The only major changes for my timeline was a cleaning up job. I aligned the text so they weren’t all over the place and makes the page a lot nicer to look at. One person offered a different design process for the timeline. So instead of this design of some text and icons, when the user scrolls down to a major event (such as 1066) images and more detailed info comes up as the user scrolls. I will take this design idea into my 2nd draft of the timeline.
Monthly Archives: March 2017
Reaction to Audience Feedback
After listening to audience feedback I have made some significant changes. Firstly I have made the background colour darker and the text lighter. This has made the text a lot easier to read which is essential in this design as it is very text heavy. I have also added the audio assist button so every student can use this app, even if they have impaired vision.
Feedback on second UI Design
-Grey on navy blue is way too difficult to read
-I’m not keen on the red of the numbers on the left
-I prefer the first design compared to this one
-Make colours more contrasting
-Maybe add an audio button for children with visual difficulties
-Also if you’re aiming it at kids, think about what they dig. They’re not opening bbc news, they’ll want something visually engaging. You know colours, splats of paint.
– I Like It Colours Work Well. Move the Font From The Lines A Small Bit
-recolour the information text
2nd UI Concept
This is my 2nd concept of a UI design of my home page. This design is a lot more complex and is better suited to the older side of my targeted audience. This design is a lot more text heavy and gets more information out to the user at first glance. At the top of the page the user can go into the other sub menus that they wish to use. On the main hub page is the lessons the person has prievouslt looked at. This is done so they can jump back into a previous lesson quickly and easily.
Timeline page UI
This is the timeline page of my app with the design of the last two briefs being the main stage. The user will be able to scroll down the timeline to gain access to more dates and events within our past. I like the combination of icons with the text as these images fill up the blank space very well and make the screen more interesting to look at, as just plain text would be to boring. Also as the user scrolls down the page will change colour to create different backgrounds for different era’s. For example the Medieval ages will have a brown background and the Industrial revolution a black background (to symbolise the coal industry)